Behind the Veil

Pulse of Infinity


Beneath the vast, star-studded night
where dreams and whispers collide
there beats a shared rhythm
a pulse, tender and resilient
the heartbeat of humanity

It echoes through the bustling streets
in the quiet of lonely rooms
across mountains that have watched
a thousand sunsets
It vibrates within the laughter of friends
the tears of strangers
the silent nods of understanding
between souls who have never met

This pulse, balances on the edges of time
binding us together
through joy, sorrow, and triumph
It’s a knowing that transcends borders
cultures, and creeds
an eternal path
of our interconnected lives

In every heart that aches
in every celebration that erupts
into the night sky like fireworks
in the quiet acts of kindness
that never make headlines
it is there
the pulse of infinity
we are not islands
but continents connected
by the deep, flowing oceans
of our shared humanity